Course Description

This course on FileMaker 15 development is designed for beginners but with a goal of designing a complete contact management or CRM solution. Sections include creating fields, designing an interface, performing finds, creating a notes field, working with popovers, automating email and web browser communication, mass emailing, eliminating duplicates, birthday and to-do reminders, phone formatting and call logs. After completing this tutorial, students will not only have created a complete solution but be able to advance to intermediate tutorials. Completed example FileMaker files are included at each stage of the development in order to enhance the learning experience.

FileMaker Pro Expert

John Mark Osborne

John Mark Osborne has been working with FileMaker Pro for over 30 years. He earned his FileMaker Pro degree working on the frontlines of Claris technical support. John was the Technical Lead for FileMaker, serving as an escalation path for other technical support representatives and writing a large portion of TechInfo (now called Knowledgebase), their technical information reference. John also acted as a liaison between the technical support department and the FileMaker development team, reporting bugs, attending product meetings and acting as resource for the development team.John Mark is best known as the author of the popular FileMaker Pro web site Database Pros. The Database Pros web site has been on the internet for 30 years and gets over 35,000 hits a day by offering free FileMaker Pro tips, tricks and techniques.John Mark is also well known as the co-author of the wildly popular Scriptology book and CD ROM. John Mark launched a hands-on training class based on his Scriptology book and it has become so popular that it is now taught at MacWorld Exposition in San Francisco and New York. Most recently, John Mark was one of twelve trainers in the United States authorized to teach their new FileMaker Training Series of classes.John Mark has been a featured speaker at the FileMaker Developer Conference for 15 years. At the 1999 Developer Conference, he was awarded the FileMaker Pro Excellence award for "creation of outstanding technical resources".John Mark is a former technical editors for Advisor magazine working on the tips and tricks section which is the most popular column in the magazine.John Mark has recorded beginner, intermediate and advanced tutorial videos for FileMaker 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 totaling thousands of hours.John Mark Osborne has been an FBA (FileMaker Business Alliance) working closely with FileMaker, Inc. and their most important customers for the past 20 years. John Mark Osborne has also passed the rigorous FileMaker 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 certification tests and is proud to display the certification logos.

Course curriculum

  • 3

    Interface Design

    • Themes

    • Parts

    • List View

    • Fixing the Fonts

    • Arranging the Fields

    • Window Size

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 4

    Finding Records

    • Basic Finds

    • AND vs OR Finds

    • Omits

    • Date Ranges

    • Find Empty

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 5


    • Field Control

    • Popovers

    • Scroll Bars

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 6

    Communication with other Applications

    • Emailing

    • Web Browser

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 7

    Mass Email

    • Global Fields

    • Help Text

    • The Send Button

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 8


    • Find by Month

    • Automatic Birthday Reminders

    • Age Calculation

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 9

    Finding Duplicates

    • Defining a Duplicate

    • Scripting a Duplicate Find

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 10

    Phone Formatting

    • Filter Function

    • Concatenation

    • Auto-Enter

    • Let Function

    • Conditional Statements

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 11

    Call Log

    • Adding a Table

    • The Relationship

    • The Portal

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 12


    • Duplicate Table and Relationship

    • Configure the Portal

    • Checkbox

    • Reminder Script

    • Sort the Relationship

    • Finished FileMaker File

  • 13

    Working with John Mark Osborne

    • Services Offered


5 star rating

Perfect Tutorial

shane scott

Excellent, a great introduction to FileMaker Pro.

Excellent, a great introduction to FileMaker Pro.

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5 star rating

90 Min CRM

Charles Job

Great course.

Great course.

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5 star rating

Excellent introduction to fundamental FileMaker skills

Michael Kleper

This course can be the launchpad for a career as a FileMaker developer! The user can quickly acquire enough basic skills to become sufficiently productive in...

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This course can be the launchpad for a career as a FileMaker developer! The user can quickly acquire enough basic skills to become sufficiently productive in creating, organizing, and maintaining usable databases. Highly recommended.

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5 star rating

Great Learning Experience

Grady Tracy

I love that the videos are in small segments. A lot of great information in a small amount of time. Easy to navigate back to just a certain concept that you ...

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I love that the videos are in small segments. A lot of great information in a small amount of time. Easy to navigate back to just a certain concept that you need to be refreshed on. Thanks for making this a free video course. I am not a newbie to FileMaker, yet I learned a lot of tips and new concepts. I will be referencing the videos a lot and I would recomend this to others. I love working with FileMaker.

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5 star rating

How To: In 90 Minutes Create A Contact Manager in FileMak...

William Moseid

How to create a clear, concise & useful Contact Manager that is . . . . "Mighty Fine", was superbly delivered by John Mark Osborn.

How to create a clear, concise & useful Contact Manager that is . . . . "Mighty Fine", was superbly delivered by John Mark Osborn.

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5 star rating

Noreen Santos

4 star rating

A reminder

Allan McGuiness

Going through this course remined me of some aspects I have been neglecting and also showed up a few bad habits I had developed Thanks for this for getting ...

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Going through this course remined me of some aspects I have been neglecting and also showed up a few bad habits I had developed Thanks for this for getting me back on track.

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