Course curriculum

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    Multi-User Solutions

    • Sharing a File

    • Demonstrating Record Locking

    • Deleting a Record or a Row

    • Open Record/Request

    • Modifying Multiple Records

    • Saving a Found Set

    • Restoring a Found Set

    • Saving Multiple Found Sets

    • Restoring Multiple Found Sets

    • Preventing Duplicate Names

    • Adding Inventory

    • Deleting Inventory

    • Leveling Inventory

    • Bells & Whistles

    • Printing an Invoice

    • Batch Printing and More

    • Performance and Annoyance

    • Work Files

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    • Overview

    • Testing & Refining Security

    • Extending Business Logic

    • External File Protection

    • Record Level Access

    • Random Passwords

    • Inspecting the Menus

    • Custom Menu Basics

    • Adaptive Custom Menus

    • Manager Override

    • Organizing

    • Work Files

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    Preferences & Options

    • Tables & Fields

    • Layouts

    • Mimicking the Tab Control

    • Finding & Adding Preferences Records

    • Window Positioning

    • Startup Layout

    • Screen Size

    • Contact & Logo on Invoice

    • Phone Formatting with While

    • Recursive Phone Formatting

    • Tax Rate

    • Work Files

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    • Basic Parsing of Names

    • Advanced Address Parsing

    • New Requests Made Easier

    • Selecting Portal Rows

    • Back & Forward

    • Scripted Change Log

    • Adaptive Change Log

    • Weight Lifting

    • Web Forms

    • Web Forms (Continued)

    • Work Files

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    Miscellaneous Tidbits

    • GTRR and Editing

    • Balance Updated Revisited

    • Recover

    • DDR vs Save a Copy as XML

    • Developer Utilities

    • Notes Portal

    • SVG Ready

    • List-Detail Portals

    • Calculated Log

    • Currency Formatting

    • Work Files

Course Description

Learn FileMaker Scripting, Calculations, Relationships and Reporting from the guy who actually wrote the book, Scriptology: FileMaker Pro Demystified. With over three decades of experience teaching FileMaker, John Mark Osborne will help you understand tough FileMaker concepts with ease. Intermediate and advanced FileMaker techniques will be taught throughout the multiple part tutorial series. In order to better understand every nut and bolt that goes into designing a solution, a single file will be created from scratch. The chosen solution is an invoicing solution for its familiarity to a wide audience and flexibility of applying techniques to other solutions. The completed FileMaker file at each stage is provided to assist with the learning process.

Instructor Biography

FileMaker Pro Expert

John Mark Osborne

John Mark Osborne has been working with FileMaker Pro for over 30 years. He earned his FileMaker Pro degree working on the frontlines of Claris technical support. John was the Technical Lead for FileMaker, serving as an escalation path for other technical support representatives and writing a large portion of TechInfo (now called Knowledgebase), their technical information reference. John also acted as a liaison between the technical support department and the FileMaker development team, reporting bugs, attending product meetings and acting as resource for the development team.John Mark is best known as the author of the popular FileMaker Pro web site Database Pros. The Database Pros web site has been on the internet for 30 years and gets over 35,000 hits a day by offering free FileMaker Pro tips, tricks and techniques.John Mark is also well known as the co-author of the wildly popular Scriptology book and CD ROM. John Mark launched a hands-on training class based on his Scriptology book and it has become so popular that it is now taught at MacWorld Exposition in San Francisco and New York. Most recently, John Mark was one of twelve trainers in the United States authorized to teach their new FileMaker Training Series of classes.John Mark has been a featured speaker at the FileMaker Developer Conference for 15 years. At the 1999 Developer Conference, he was awarded the FileMaker Pro Excellence award for "creation of outstanding technical resources".John Mark is a former technical editors for Advisor magazine working on the tips and tricks section which is the most popular column in the magazine.John Mark has recorded beginner, intermediate and advanced tutorial videos for FileMaker 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 totaling thousands of hours.John Mark Osborne has been an FBA (FileMaker Business Alliance) working closely with FileMaker, Inc. and their most important customers for the past 20 years. John Mark Osborne has also passed the rigorous FileMaker 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 certification tests and is proud to display the certification logos.